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Urgent Vet Appeal

We hate continuously asking for help, but unfortunately needs must.

As dogs keep arriving in their droves so do the bills. Not only are we having an influx of abandoned dogs arrive at the rescue there is an increase in dogs arriving needing extensive medical treatment, which are also a welfare concern.

This is an unavoidable cost, we can’t predict what each dog will ‘cost’ the charity until they have arrived in our care.

Many have conditions that have been ignored by their owners, for whatever reason, we are not here to judge we are here to pick up the pieces. This is all before we take into consideration the ‘essential’ work all these dogs will need before they can be rehomed. These include neutering, vaccinating, worming, chipping etc.

People often question why we ask for a donation on adoption, please understand the cost of preparing a dog for rehoming far outweighs the donation asked. Your donation allows us to go on and save the next poor soul that needs us. There is no profit as many claim, small volunteer run rescues like us are always running at a loss. Every penny from your donations, the income from our charity shops, our raffles, auctions etc, the adoption donation etc all goes back into saving more dogs…and so the cycle continues.

Far too often dogs arrive needing extra vet work, many need dental work, this will cost in excess of £650 per dog!!

Many of our Bulldogs/Frenchies will need BOAS surgery to help with their breathing and to enable them to lead a more comfortable life, each procedure cost in excess of £1500, those are to name but a few! So it’s easy to see how we yet again have run up such a huge bill. We try and manage the situation the best we can but much of these costs are unavoidable.

While our vets are wonderful and understanding they still need paying!

They are not only excellent with our dogs they go above and beyond for us as a charity also and we do realise we are very lucky to have them on our side! So currently we are only carrying out emergency work until we can clear some of our outstanding bill. So we now need to urgently find the funds. Until we do so the rescue will be at a standstill. If we can’t neuter/vaccinate our current dogs they can’t be rehomed and we cant help others. This has a whole knock on effect to the rescue so the situation is critical.

There is no let up for us in rescue, this is our life. There are no days off and there are very few good days. We try to look at the positives and remember how many thousands of lives we've saved and how many people we've made happy with their lives complete with a WWP dog.

So yet again we're turning to you for help. Without your support we wouldn’t be where we are today. So we're reaching out and asking if anyone could kindly donate to help us clear our current vet bills. No matter how small, it all helps.

We'd also like to thank everyone for your continued support, it doesn’t go unnoticed and is really appreciated.

So we currently have 2 bills outstanding, the first is over £7k the second over £12k, so as you can imagine the situation is dire

So thank you all and we're really sorry to keep asking

We're put some photos of two of our most recent unclaimed strays below. Tommy who arrived extremely underweight, he was alive with fleas and had some pretty nasty pressure sores. After a week in our care he is now thriving and enjoying some much needed home comforts in a foster home

Secondly is Stormsy the elderly GSD, he arrived extremely malnourished, probably half the weight he should have been. He was so matted he struggled to walk. He’s an old chap that has been loyal to someone his whole life, he didn’t deserve this and despite his horrific neglect at the hands of his owner this boy has shown us nothing but love.

This is why we continue the work we do and this is why we need your help


Supported by

Logo of the national membership body for voluntary organisations in Wales
Social Investment Cymru logo
European Regional Development Fund logo
Burns Pet Food logo

Contact us


The phones are monitored by part time volunteers. We will respond as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

07561 251791

07930 976022

Visiting by appointment only. We are not open to the public for general viewing.

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Charity number 1160474


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